The blog is currently being ported from WordPress to over 12 years of static pages of content.
If there's an article missing that you're hoping to see, please
contact me
and let me know and I'll prioritize getting it online.
Weekend project: write up a Live Template for PyCharm (should work on other JetBrains editors) for basic shortcuts to use within #HAML documents.
start a new HAML document, type just an exclamation point and hit TAB and you should see a basic html/head/body structure take form just an ‘a’ and hit tab to get “%a(href='' title='')” and so on. Contributions are more than welcome. The first pass at this basically copied the “Zen HTML.
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Nutshell: I used a free SendGrid developer account, a free Trello account, and a free Google App Engine account.
I added a subdomain to, set its MX record to point to, then modified a portion of py-trello to be appengine-compatible, and wrote some other Python code to answer a POST operation as a webhook.
SendGrid would perform a POST operation to my webhook when receiving Email to any recipient at @mynewsubdomain.
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