The blog is currently being ported from WordPress to over 12 years of static pages of content.
If there's an article missing that you're hoping to see, please
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and let me know and I'll prioritize getting it online.
I’ve been a udemy user for several years. Their low-cost instructional courses (usually on sale for $10-15 each) have been great for my piqued interest in some side topics around mobile and game development, learning some new web development skills or for pure financial support of teachers I love including Tim Buchalka and Zed Shaw.
Over the years I’ve signed up and paid for 17 courses, almost all of which are programming-related:
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I was approached by recently to reactivate my account, because I let it die a slow, agonizing, forever-alone, kind of death.
I figured writing occasional sponsored blog articles would give me some extra Starbucks money here and there, and after talking to “Melissa”, and telling her why I’d left (I was flooded by irrelevant advertising ideas like lawnmowers) and what I’d need to make it worth my while, she reactivated my account, at which point their system sent me an Email:
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